Monday, March 7, 2011

Idea for Inherited Stashes: Charity Knitting

We know that there are a number of you out there that have inherited someone else's yarn stash, with odd skeins and old colors that you aren't sure what you might be able to make. With just a skein or two of a certain color, or several skeins of colors that aren't quite fashionable, there are still plenty of design ideas you can use that will get lots of use and love, like hats, shawls, mittens, scarves, and cowls. You may not have a use for (all of) these items yourself, but there are a number of charities that are looking for items that fall exactly into that category.

KMKat's sarn sock stash

We do not want suggest that charity knitting should be made with our ugly and uncomfortable yarn; that yarn may be better used in a braided rug project. We'd also suggest making sure that any accessories that will be worn next to the skin be made with soft fibers and that any scratchy wool be reserved for warm afghans. However, nice yarn in odd colors can be transformed by creating retro striped scarves, a fashionable accessory that will scream Made with Love.

So, once you have identified all of your usable yarn, great resources for patterns include:

One-Skein Wonders
101 Yarn Shop Favorites
by Judith Durant

101 Designer One-Skein Wonders
by Judith Durant
Sock Yarn One-Skein Wonders
101 Patterns That Go Way Beyond Socks!
by Judith Durant

Luxury Yarn One-Skein Wonders
101 Small Indulgences
by Judith Durant

What is great about these pattern books, versus individual patterns, is that you get over one hundred beautiful patterns all designed to use limited amounts of yarn. You also get over one hundred opportunities to learn or practice different techniques and stitches, in small, fast-to-complete projects to help you build your knitting repertoire. All of this for less than $20.

So, once you begin finishing your charity projects, there are several reputable organizations that have lists of charities that accept and distribute knitted items, including the publisher of Interweave Knits magazine, Lion Brand Yarns,, and the Knitting Goddess blog, just to list a few. Please browse through their extensive lists to find a charity that touches your heart. To save you some time we list a few beginning with 'A', but there are many, many more that merit your donations.

  • Afghans 4 Afghans sends hand knit and crocheted blankets and clothing to displaced Afghan families.
  • Algerian Action, a U.K. based non-profit project group which provides toys and clothing to needy children in Algeria. We need cardigans, hats and jumpers for children aged between 0-10 years.
  • Angels of Love, provides layettes to needy newborns. Need layette items; blankets, booties, hats. Sizes can be for preemies (1.25 lbs) to full-term (10 lbs). They have patterns if you would like them.
  • Annual Crochet & Knit-A-Thon distributes clothing in December to thousands of children who benefit from the work of Children's Home & Aid Society of Illinois (CHASI).
  • Artists Helping Children Distributes handmade or decorated bags full of art supplies and soft, handmade toys to children in hospitals.

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